Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Journalling My Christmas...

I'm taking Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas Class for the first time. I've been aware of the class for a couple of years, but this is the first time I've joined in. I'm not really a Christmas kind of person, although I do like the lights and the weather and the shopping... and the fact that's it's my birthday month too! I've been inspired to scrap more often from Cathy Z's class, so I'm hoping that Shimelle's class will keep my mojo working. And maybe I'll change my mind about Christmas...
One other thing I DO like about December is the return of the red cups at Starbucks. I was horrified to hear that they weren't doing eggnog this year, but when I tried the new Cherry Mocha coffee I almost completely forgot about eggnog! Yummy!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Family & Friends

"Treat your family like friends and your friends like family"
Spent a nice weekend with friends and family in London and Northampton. It's good to spend time with people who love you no matter what - really should do it more often.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

one little word

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble”
Helen Keller

As inspired by Ali Edwards' One Little Word challenge, I have chosen ACCOMPLISH as my word for 2008. I have many things I wish to accomplish this year, but above all, I am hoping to find peace with myself and happiness with whatever life may have in store for me. I will make a list of the other things I wish to accomplish as part of this finding self-happiness, and hopefully as I tick each one off, I will find myself a step closer to achieving my overall goal.

Planning on taking one day at a time...